Sunshine and snowdrops at White Moss, Grasmere

Snowdrops in White Moss House, Grasmere garden

“Why worry?
There should be sunshine after rain,
These things have always been the same,
So why worry now? ”                         
 (Dire Straits- sadly overlooked by philosophers I feel)

On Thursday 19 November 2009 the heavens opened on Cumbria and a 48 hour torrent flooded the area turning roads into rivers, gardens into lakes.

Now, less than 4 months later,  the snowdrops and sunshine bring a promise of spring, and hopefully, a great summer.

Business that were flood affected are reopening, visitors are flocking back to enjoy the amazing scenery that early spring offers- clear blue skies, with a dash of snow on the tops.
Come back to Cumbria! ( and White Moss House of course!)